Thursday, September 29, 2011

Protective Styling

PROTECTIVE STYLING: styling the hair to protect it against damage from various elements such as heat & breakage. Women with natural & relaxed hair turn to this method of styling because if done correctly, protective styles can assist with retained length and healthy hair. In some cases, protective styling also gives us a break from our day-to-day hair routines. They can last for any time span from a week to even 3 months!!!

CAUTION: Protective styling does not indicate that we can simply stop taking care of our hair. Our hair still requires moisture and care in order to thrive; even in protective styles. Be aware that:

1. Excessive tension on the hair strands can result in hair loss. While protective styling, be extremely cautious of how much tension you are placing on your hair.

2. Dry hair = breakage. Continue to apply oils, leave-ins, and moisturizers to the scalp and hair. It is even okay to wash your hair while in some protective styles.

3. Different protective styles may or may not work for different hair types. Pay attention to your hair and its reaction to certain styles. If you notice a negative reaction, you may want to consider a different protective style.

There are numerous protective styles to consider.

WEAVES                              BRAIDS W/ EXTENSIONS           NATURAL HAIR
Wigs                                     Micro Braids                                     Mini 2-Strand Twists
Sew-Ins                                Kinky Braids/Twists                        Mini Individual Braids
Crochet/Tree Braids          Nubian Twists                                  Tuck & Pin Styles
                                              Yarn/Rope Twists                                Buns
                                              Senegalese Twists                           Cornrows
                                              Cornrows                                           Flat Twists
                                              Individual Braids                              2-Strand Twists

Here is a slide show that displays various styles I tried during my own Six Month Protective Style Series.

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